Casella Microdust Pro

The Microdust Pro is a real-time hand-held, data logging instrument for the detection of airborne dusts, fumes and aerosols.   It is ideal for walk-through surveys and for checking the effectiveness of control measures. It is a simple to use instrument which gives the user the additional qualitative data which cannot be gained by gravimetric air sampling methods alone.  This extremely versatile instrument can also be used with a range of accessories for static and size selective sampling applications.

The screens are colour coded to ease navigation. Real-time instantaneous readings are given on the large display along with average levels.  The Microdust Pro logs the data also which means that it can be downloaded later for review.

The Microdust Pro is a datalogging instrument and the data can be downloaded in Casella Insight Data Management Software  using the supplied USB cable.  Once downloaded, the time history of the dust level can be displayed and analysed so ‘dusty events’ can be identified.



  • Risk assessments for dusts and aerosols
  • Monitoring dust levels within the workplace
  • Industrial process monitoring
  • Testing air filtration efficiency
  • Environmental dust assessments
  • Boundary monitoring for construction and demolition


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