Fire safety
Fire safety and protection combines different set of activates whose aim is to reduce risk of fire or to quickly and safely put out a fire is a fire has already happened. To succeed in this we need to insure correct functioning of fire detection and alarming systems and fire extinguishing systems and also define all measures that have to be undertaken in a case of a fire. Employer must also have Evacuation and Rescue Plans ready and familiarize his workers with these plans and measures they bring. He must also ensure and conduct evacuation drills regularly, at least once every two years.
According by Fire Protection Act every working individual must also be trained and educated for safe extinguishing of small starting fires in order to insure maximal protection of human lives and assets.
Together with Kontrol biro we are authorized to conduct the inspection of fire alarming and extinguishing systems, in accordance to Fire and Safety Act:
- Inspection of fire extinguishing and alarming systems
- Inspection of smoke and fire prevention systems
- Inspection of flammable fumes and gases detection systems
We are also authorized to educate and train people in fire protection, extinguishing and rescue.